Last week our friends at AT&T Pioneers Volunteer Network – Inland Orange Council, surprised our “Great Starts at Goeske” participants with some amazing stockings that were decorated and stuffed by their employees, volunteers and families. All of the recipients were thrilled to be “adopted” this holiday season.
Did you know? Nostalgic activities (like un-stuffing a stocking) increase feelings of social connectedness, make people feel loved/valued, and are overall psychologically energizing. We also tend to feel happier, have higher self-esteem, feel closer to loved ones, become more optimistic, and feel that life has more meaning. These are all extremely positive outcomes that are beneficial for our mental and emotional well-being.Learn More About the Benefits of Nostalgia
THANK YOU for making us feel “young at heart” and giving us much more than a stocking full of great holiday goodies!
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